Monday, September 21, 2009

One of my many memorable games

Before 950 different versions of Worms on the market, there was just plain old Worms on PC. This game, whose premise seems silly at best, is much more than what is shown on the surface.
Worms put you in a situation where you have 4 playable characters, that happen to be worms, on your team versus an opposing team of 4 worms. The object of the game is to use the varied arsenal of weapons at your disposal to kill the opposing team before they kill you.
This was one of the first games that I had an interest in "modding" or modifying or adapting my own content to.

With this game, you could create your own player maps and add your own .WAV sounds to add different voices to your worms. There was definitely a skill factor involved when using certain weapons that were affected by wind in the game. Overall, I have very fond memories of Worms. I am already wondering when I left my install disc...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

First posted flash FLA/SWF - end of 4th week of class

Wednesday signified the end of the 4th week of class. That class was the culmination of the students Mini Game project. The students learned the skills of publishing and posting their FLA and SWF files to the wiki. Several of the students went the extra mile and embellished their games. Some fantastic examples of student work can be found here at KraZy's page and Bagh Nakh Kora's file. These students went above and beyond adding some self-learned skills such as poisoned carrots (which caused negative points), timers, and rabbits moved in all four directions. I can see that this semester has some fantastic potential!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mini Game Project

Today I finished leading MCTC's Fall 09 Gaming I students through the Mini Game Project. I am Josh's support educator, so typically I try to add expertise where required. Last Wednesday and today though I temporarily put on my Lead Educator hat and led the students through the mini game. I hope leading this session allows our students to see that both Josh and I are there to support them with our expertise.